Let go of your labels and show your light.
In the last couple of weeks, I have been given a chance to listen and speak to men. I have been noticing within my self that I as an individual I need to look honestly at myself and forgive my past wars that I carried within my cells. I don't label myself male or female and that is perfect by me. Why should I label myself and build fences? I am free to be myself, simply joey suffices. The reason I say this is we need to forgive the musculin and the feminin part of ourselves and also not divide one or the other from our our being, as I noticed it stopped me from being my whole self especially divided me from much passion! I believe that as humans we have forgotten our truths . We as males and females we concentrated on our differences instead of our similarities which are more important. As myself I have noticed that I needed to forgive the man and the woman inside of me that I carried inside my cells. Some of you might think that I am out there but our cells in our body carry all the past emotional garbage and our past . By meditating each morning on myself I cleared my past behavior that keeped me locked up in a circle of no ending pains. I have let go of so much past anger and hurt, I am wanting to let you know that there is light, never believe that you are alone ,we are not. We are surrounded by light and also light is deep within each and every one of us. These trials in life especially in this lifetime are quite strong and difficult but you are changing yourself and the earth and making it more vibrant and colorful with your light. You, we are building your foundation ,our base to build on our future world. We are all connected together with strings, vibrations and light! Believe in yourself, look and feel your emotional body, learn to feel your instincts. As humans we have learned to forget our gifts that are our feelings. Also we divided ourselves with religious or racist thoughts only creating a war within ourselves and eventually outside of our-Selves. If something doesn't feel right, move away from it or them and try to calm your emotions. When I feel stressed I feel and smell a white rose, that calmes my emotions. Talk to your Soul and whatever flower you first envision keep that inside your heart! ♡ Another of my favorite meditations are colors, envelope yourself with a color that comes into your mind, and bath in it. Feel it enter your body! blue/green color is very healing. Learn to trust yourself, and you will find your peace. Don't try to change the world, we mirror ourselves so change yourself and the world will change with you! Peace and freedom to all of Humamity,Namaste