Artist and Spiritual Healer
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Welcome to My World of All "PossIbilities"
My Company is about creating Beauty through Art. By using my unique talents and through listening to what your wants and your needs are, The Universe, My Body and My Mind creates and gives back to you Your Unique Creation! I Truly beleive I need to give back to causes and people who deserve a second chance in life. I see so many people fall through the cracks and my aim is to give back to them what The Universe has given back to me "A Second Chance in Life .......!"
There is only one of you for all time, Fearlessly be yourself- Anthony Ropp
My Mission with my art is not only to make beauty by recycling magazines and pictures but to open people's hearts and minds to lifes outmost possibilities.
Money Raised for charitIES:
It is 3ft wide by 4ft long. I must mention that this piece is one of my favorites. I am so overwhelmed by the process it took to create it.Christo is my version of Christ from within my Soul.
Size 3Ft by 4ft. My Self portrait A very personal portrait of my past fears, loves and sexual fantasies.
Unmasking Joé is about finding peace within myself with my feminity. All my life I pushed away this side of myself without realizing I could not fully be my truth without being whole. I was meditating one morning and my body told me that love is all that we are and that my body will always be there for me(Joé) like a best friend.
It is 3ft wide by 4ft long. I must mention that this piece is one of my favorites. I am so overwhelmed by the process it took to create it.Christo is my version of Christ from within my Soul.