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These examples are unique art pieces of mine and could be yours too.  My company is about creating something that you will not find anywhere else. A"wow" factor piece of Art through your life's memories, your personal thoughts and most importantly as well as your favourite pictures, your favourite colours and collectives. I finalize and visualize the piece of art by the materials I receive and by our personal discussions and your wants. These art pieces are unique and are meant to bring joy and discussion to you, your friends and clientele! It's a perfect gift or a way to celebrate a person's life or company! Why not help and unclutter your life through an expression of yourself through art, a unique way to show your life, our creation and your legacy. Also in knowing that a third of the profits of the large prints will go to helping others find a second chance at life!


* The signatures in the collages are only there for the copyrights issue.


Souldier is a Self Portrait. It is the beginning of my Second chance of life, with Soul. I say the second chance of life because to move ahead within my spiritual life I had to find freedom from my past and let go of my fears. I wanted to make this portrait “A Celebration” of whom I was and a depiction of Self without any fears or doubts of whom or what created my thoughts. I chose to show my fears on my right side and a more peaceful me on my left side. My red eye (a hand holding a red pair of underwear) or my fear of heights and death itself are such examples I decided to express. I had a Catholic upbringing which I must say even reinforced my fear of self and also the God within me. I must mention that I am at peace with my past fears as if it wasn't for my fears “gifts”, My Art and My Self would not be acknowledged as JoéX whom I am today. If you look closely on my right shoulder you will see Jesus with his Crown and eventually you see the Pope's Mitre(hat) as my left arm. I remember at a younger age wishing to one day be at peace within as my physical. I put most of my energies in the gym most my life. My instinct tells me my fears of self started as early as two years of age. I have also put words within my beard that I enjoy depicting. If you look closer you will see my favourite artists I feel are showing their true self, for example Madonna and Jean-Paul Gautier. Try to find my self- portrait disguised as my version of Mickey Mouse. Enjoy my interpretation of Joey.



Christo is my interpretation of The Christ within me, The War that I placed upon myself. We are our own worst enemies as our own creators, our Gods. I was so hard on myself in my past and I was so use to it that I never even realized what I was doing to myself until my body started to have nervous spells and markings. As I spoke badly to myself no one would have known by my actions towards others. I hid it deep within myself subconsciously for many many years. In the last four years I took this challenge of combating my emotions and finding a peace within me. Forgiveness was a must as it took my pain away and replaced it with pure love and joy. It is not easy searching within though I will say that love is in disguise as our demons, illusions and fears. I didn't give myself any choice, I either was going to move forward and face my fears and see my truth or I was going to end my future. Forgiving ourselves and others is not an easy thing to do, we only hurt ourselves by keeping anger within us. Did you know that emotional anger is connected to our liver and worry to our prostate. One morning while meditating I realized I would have never found the artist in me, my gift to you and the world, if it wasn't for depression. My pains and my loves have all been gifts from God. Love is what we are all made of underneath all these Masks we have created to protect ourselves from outside world. Though these protections that we have created have only created a world of war....a war within ourselves and around us. By liberating myself of my fears of self, I found a loving Soul within me I never thought possible. Be your love you are meant to feel within your world, a loving light will envelope you, where you never imagined possible and you will find peace again.

Unmasking Joey

Unmasking Joey has been a turning point for me in many ways! While meditating with mantras and so forth one morning a memory of my past came upon me. The memory of myself when I was probably three or four years old. I saw myself as a girl very young but as time came upon me and my Spirit I realized I had chosen to push and hide my femininity so to protect and be more accepted by my family and community or so I believed. My femininity as my masculinity are as important to my wholeness as one or the other. We need to love ourselves 100%, our light as our shadow or darkness, so to find peace inside, fear of one will only makes the fear stronger. Would you believe that I was more fearful of my light than the darkness because that of what I was use to most of my life. As I got older I had blocked away my femininity, that part of me that made me more creative and more passionate. I tried to hide underneath my muscles and my facade. All my life I have wondered what I loved to do or even if I had such a passion in anything. I couldn't find one because I was not my truth, my whole Self. By taking my mask off and embracing my femininity I have not only found creativity and passions where I never thought possible but I have it coming out of every cell of my body! Seriously incroyable! It is amazing how one's body can show you how it feels about you. One morning again while meditating, my body told me it loved me so much no matter what or how I treated it in the past. It was and will always be my best friend! I cried and laughed hysterically for a good half hour. I will never forget that feeling of love I felt inside. I never felt that love so strongly about myself before. We must willingly love that feeling upon ourselves. This piece is a celebration of my truth, my femininity, within reach in all of us. y.

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